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Welcome to Jeong Lab

We are working on developing the novel optical nanoprobe for biological signalings, especially neurochemical signaling via highly interdisciplinary research techniques including nanoscience, chemistry, bioengineering, and data science. We aim to establish the dynamic in vivo neurochemical imaging toolkit, which will unveil the hidden stages of brain functions and elicit the discovery of promising cures and therapies for various neurological disorders.

저희는 생물학적 신호를 탐색하기 위한 새로운 광학 나노프로브를 개발하고 있으며, 특히 도파민, 세로토닌 등의 신경화학 신호를 연구하기 위해 나노과학, 화학, 생명공학, 데이터 과학을 포함한 다학제간 연구 환경을 가지고 있습니다. 이를 통해 뇌 기능에 대한 차세대 이론과 다양한 신경 질환에 대한 유망한 치료와 치료법의 발견을 이끌어낼 실시간  생체 내 신경화학 영상 이미징 기법을 확립하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

We are in the school of biomedical convergence engineering at Pusan National University. We are looking for motivated and talented graduate students and postdocs. Students/postdocs with chemistry, material, biological engineering are prefered, but it's not requisite.  Please send your curriculum vitae and contact information to Prof. Jeong if you are interested to join our lab.

저희 연구실은 부산대학교 의생명융합공학과에 소속 되어있습니다. 현재 연구에 관심 있는 대학원생 (석사 혹은 박사/석박통합) 1명을 추가로 모집하고 있습니다. (의공학, 화학, 재료, 생명공학 관련 전공 학생 및 다른 관련 분야의 배경 지식 선호) 관심이 있는 분들은 짧은 이력서와 연락처를 정상화 교수에게 보내주시기 바랍니다( 

We also look for outstanding undergraduate students to join our lab. Undergraduates can contact Prof. Jeong with e-mail or direct visit if you want. Undergraduates from all departments are welcome. 연구 참여에 관심있는 학부생들을 환영합니다. 학기 중과 방학 중에 연구에 참여할 학부생들은 정상화 교수에게 이메일 또는 방문하시길 바랍니다.



2025.01 Dakyeon's dopamine imaging work (colab with Dr. Lee and Prof. Kim) is published in Materials Today Bio. (Nanosensor-based imaging of realtime dopamine release in neurons derived from iPSCs of patients with Parkinson's disease)

2024.11 Congratulations to our first doctor, Dr. Dakyeon Lee (co-advisor: Prof. Kim)! 

2024.06 Congratulate to Dakyeon's first paper just published in Advanced Science as Systematic Selection of High-Affinity ssDNA Sequences to Carbon Nanotubes!

2024.03 Jaewon Chang joins as the Master candidate. Go for it!

2024.01 Congrat Seonghyeon and Yeongjoo! Their work during undergraduate intern is now published in Nanomaterials as "Directed Evolution of Near-Infrared Serotonin Nanosensors with Machine Learning-Based Screening"

2023.09 Tri Tuan Nguyen joins our lab as the first Master candidate. Welcome Tuan!

2023.09 Jeong lab awarded a collaboration grant from Agency for Defense Development.

2023.03 Jeong lab awarded a collaboration grant with SEEGENE for 2 years and 우수신진과제 for 5 years from 한국연구재단 (NRF). 

2022.11 Jeong lab awarded industry-academia cooperation grant (LINC3.0 산학공동기술개발과제, 100M KRW) from Pusan National University 2022.10 Yunseo Jeong joins our lab as researcher. Welcome, Yunseo! 2022.06 Jeong lab co-awarded the 기초의과학 선도연구센터 (Medical Research Center, 암세포 다양성 분자제어 연구센터, 11B KRW) for 7 years from 과기정통부 (Ministry of Science and ICT). 2022.05 We finally set up the NIR-II fluorescence microscope! 2022.03 Dakyeon Lee joins our lab as the first Ph. D. candidate (co-advised with Prof. Sungjee Kim). Welcome!     2022.01 Our lab published a machine-learning-based prediction of serotonin nanosensor, collaborated with Vukovic lab and Landry lab. 2021.12 학생주도 프로젝트인 '뭐든지해봐'에 참여한 박수빈, 정혜린, 최윤서 학부생이 장려상을 수상했습니다. 축하합니다. 2021.08 Jeong lab awarded the 국립거점대학 공동연구지원사업 for 2 years from Pusan National University. 2021.06 Jeong lab awarded the General Research Fund (기본연구) for 2 years from 한국연구재단 (National Research Foundation of Korea). 2021.03 Prof. Jeong started as an assistant professor in the school of BCE at PNU

Pusan National University

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